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Chairman Li Weibo Appointed As Huanggang Port Control Point Guest Supervisor

CreateDate: 2014-08-28 Author: GHG

A few days ago, the Huanggang Port Control Point held its 4th Guest Supervisor Appointment Ceremony, and Glory Harvest Group Chairman Li Weibo was appointed as the 2013-2015 guest supervisor for the border crossing.

According to our understanding, appointed guest supervisors for Shenzhen's Huanggang Port Control Point include government workers, journalists, business leaders, local and international public figures and others who frequently go back and forth between the mainland and Hong Kong. They hold complete supervisory power over the Control Point, and they put forward and transmit ideas and recommendations that tourists, the community and service objects have about how the mechanisms to control the Huanggang Port Control Point can be better improved.

Chairman Li expressed that it was a great honor to be appointed as the guest supervisor for the Huanggang Port Control Point, but that it also comes with a great deal of responsibility. He will work hard to meet the demands of being a supervisor, and he will actively work on increasing the service standards at this crossing, coming up with new and better ways to improve customs clearance efficiency at the port, and he will dedicate his efforts in creating a convenient, safe, and orderly customs clearance port environment.


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