On November 20, Group's Urban Renewal Office of Melin Zhongkang region organized part of the owners to visit the Group office. The event was mainly targeted for owners that have not signed the Urban Renewal Power of Attorney with the Group.
At half past ten, Chairman Li warmly welcomed the visiting owners. He showed the owners the Group office, and narrated his entrepreneurship experience.
The visiting owners carefully listened to the Chairman Li's introduction to the urban renewal project and the Group's strengths. One owner said, the tremendous strengths of the Group and favorable prospect gave them full confidence to the Group's urban renewal project. On the site, the owners of Dongmei Apartment spontaneously organized a small owner committee and elected the leader. It is understood that the owner committee will have further negotiation with renewal project personnel on signing the Urban Renewal Power of Attorney.
According to the Group staff, in Meilin Zhongkang region urban renewal project, about 73% of the owners of Hongyun Building have signed the Urban Renewal Power of Attorney with our Group, and for those of Dongmei Apartment, the figure is 64%. This visit rendered the owners of Hongyun Building and Dongmei Apartment that have not signed the power of attorney a better understanding of the Group's strengths and corporate culture, and will substantially accelerate the pace of urban renewal project.

Owners listen to the introduction

Chairman Li introduces the project planning to the owners

Chairman Li shows the owners the Group office